- Description
- Ingredients
- Indication
- Dosage
SDH Naturals Acidon Syrup is specially formulated to provide better results in Acid Peptic- related concerns like hyperacidity and gastric. The Acidon Syrup is made from the most potent and effective Indian herbs like Patolpatra, Pittpapda, Amla, Giloe, Yasthimadhu, Saunf , Kalmegh etc. These ingredients possess Cytoprotective, anti-ulcerogenic and anti-secretory properties. Unlike modern antacids, Acidon is not an acid neutralizer; it may help reduce excessive gastric secretion, which may help fight H.pylori
- Dyspepsia/ Esophagitis
- Hyper-acidity
- Gastritis
- Ulcers
- Patol
- Giloy
- Bhringraj
- Dhaniya
- Saunf
- Amla
- Harad
- It Provides quick and effective relief
- It helps in treating hyperacidity.
- It helps to enhance the production of digestive juices in the stomach that Improves overall digestion.
- Effective , natural & clinically approved ayurvedic formulation
Dyspepsia/ Esophagitis: 2 t.s.f. 4 times a day for one week
Hyperacidity: 1 t.s.f thrice a day for 1 week
Gastritis: 2 t.s.f twice a day for 1-2 months
Ulcer: 2 t.s.f thrice a day for 4-6 months
Syrup in bottle 200 ml
- Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Journal of Ethno pharmacology, 2009, Vol 125(2): 218–223.
- Kalmegha (Andrographis paniculata): Indian J Exp Biol. 2011 Oct; 49(10):767-72.
- Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia): Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Apr; 4 (2): (P) 78 – 85.
- Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra): International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2011,Vol 2(3):42-51
Acidon syrup gives soothing solution for burning sensation. If you are suffering from acidity, heartburn, peptic ulcer, flatulence and gastritis
Hyper acidity -1 teaspoon 3 times a day
Gastritis -2 teaspoon 2 times a day
Ulcer -2 teaspoon 3 times a day
One should not take fried thinks; alcohol, coffee etc. Eat fresh and healthy food take a lot of water during day time. Not to remain hungry for long time.
Acidon syrup relives acidity pain, neutralizing the stomach acid, enhances gastric empting and prevents reflux, reduces gastric secretion, promote ulcer healing.
Acidon syrup is completely safe and effective if you have any allergy after consuming this product then consult with your physician.
- Dyspepsia/ Esophagitis
- Hyper-acidity
- Gastritis
- Ulcers
Dyspepsia/ Esophagitis: 2 t.s.f. 4 times a day for one week
Hyperacidity: 1 t.s.f thrice a day for 1 week
Gastritis: 2 t.s.f twice a day for 1-2 months
Ulcer: 2 t.s.f thrice a day for 4-6 months